So, You Want To Be A Health Coach?
I want to hear your story, your dreams, your vision, and I want to help you make it all come alive!
I've spent almost five years sharing my story with future health coaches.
An email here, a DM there, little by little aspiring students of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition started contacting me to get the scoop.
"How is the school, really?" "What's the catch?" "Is it worth it?"
One by one I'd simply share my story.
Here's the short version: I needed to physically heal my body. As an avid yogi and meditator who knew the power of holistic health, I was still suffering physically from fatigue, food allergies, and some weight gain. I knew I needed to heal myself so I started to look for answers. That's when I learned about IIN.
I did my research on several programs for over a year before deciding on IIN. In the end, not only was IIN affordable, flexible, and offered lectures by the world's experts in their respected fields, IIN is also a leader in innovation, integrative, holistic, and functional health. It felt right, so I enrolled.
Never in my wildest dreams did I intend to quit my successful marketing career to become a Certified Holistic Health Coach. Like many of IIN's students who have established careers, (as business owners, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, personal trainers, educators, yoga teachers, etc.), I was simply seeking answers for my own health and well-being.
So what changed?
Shortly after enrollment I found a lot of the answers I was seeking and so much more. Within a few months I started living my life as a healthier, more vibrant, clear-minded, confident, woman. And then it hit me! How couldn't I possibly keep what I've learned all to myself? Honestly, I felt a strong responsibility to pass on the information, I committed, and I haven't looked back since.
Now that I've built a new, exciting, and purposeful career, I believe it's time to inspire a new generation of coaches, future brand owners, and change-makers who want to become a part of this rapidly growing wellness movement.
From enrollment to launching your own business, I can help you every step of the way.
I know many of you want to be agents of change. I've heard your stories and I don't want your dreams to be held back by your fears.
I'll close with this: if you have a passion for wellness and want to transform your life along with the lives of those you love, then contact me and I'll answer whatever questions you may have.
You can also start by downloading a free curriculum guide, sample a free class, or review the syllabus here, too!
Wishing you the very best of luck! Don't give up. Answer your calling. You're almost there.
With Love, Yareli